Social Media 101

Did you know that 3 out of 4 Americans use social media sites? It is how people communicate, engage, and connect with others.  Understanding social media not only benefits you professionally, but also as a parent.  Children are using social media everyday. As a parent, you can't monitor their social media usage if you don't understand the tools and lingo.

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National Night Out

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live.

This year, we partnered with the Northlake Police Department to promote National Night Out. As we continue to grow, we will look to host our own National Night Out event.  Harvest residents are already mobilized and have formed a Neighborhood Watch Group in coordination with the Northlake Police.  Together we are working to keep Harvest a safe community.

Check out pictures from this year's National Night Out where several Harvest families attended!